Lincoln City is all about helping visitors enjoy all the ocean has to offer! This summer, that includes fun, sun…and shellfish.
Can you say no to fresh clams? If you enjoy all the rich food the ocean has to offer, you will want to learn how to dig your own dinner with a Lincoln City Clamming Clinic.
Each clinic starts off with a brief orientation at the Driftwood Public Library (801 SW Hwy 101, Lincoln City, OR) which covers the basics of harvesting right up to cooking. Once the orientation is complete, it’s time to DIG THE CLAMS and the class moves to the pull out just north of the Bay House Restaurant on the Siletz Bay. Directions will be provided at the orientation.
In order to participate in the clam dig, each digger 12 years and older will need:
- Shellfish License
- Clam Bag
- Shovel
- 5 Gallon Bucket
- Gloves
While Shovels, buckets and clam bags will be available for purchase on site, only cash or checks can be used as payment. Bi-Mart and Eleanor’s Undertow sell Shellfish Licenses and other supplies. Bottled water to drink and a first aid kit for dressing any cuts is also suggested.
There’s plenty of Clamming Clinic Dates left this summer! For more information, contact Bill Lackner at 541-265-5847.
-Wednesday, August 2 @ 2:30pm
-Tuesday, August 15 @ 12Noon
-Tuesday, August 29 @ 11:45am
-Tuesday, September 12 @ 10:30am
-Tuesday, September 26 @ 10:30am
Have fun and send us pictures of the meal you create with your catch! We’d love to see it!